Geodyn Solutions
Hydrogen & Ammonia

In the global quest to reduce carbon emissions and transition towards more sustainable practices, a new player has emerged on the scene

Geodyn Solutions

Taking Waste Out of Landfills

As the world’s landfills begin to overflow and pollution levels soar, finding ways to rid of our waste becomes critical.

Geodyn Solutions

Transforming Waste into Energy

GeoDyn™ turns waste into value

Geodyn Solutions

Waste Processing Capacities

The GeoDyn™ Machine employs a very simple process for waste conversion. As a result, that same process could be scaled to process virtually any waste capacity. Find the machine that’s right for your industry and needs.

Geodyn Solutions

The Machine's Applications

Organic waste presents a challenge to all sectors of society. The GeoDyn™ Machine’s ability to reduce that waste and then convert it to usable products can benefit countless industries in each of those sectors.

No More Going to Landfills

Geodyn Solutions
Geodyn Solutions

Eliminating a Global Problem

As the world’s landfills begin to overflow and pollution levels soar, finding ways to rid of our waste becomes critical. The US alone produced 250 million tons of garbage in 2011. Europe still relies heavily on landfills, with some countries dumping up to 90% of their waste. And in developing countries, less than half of the population is serviced with any kind of waste management program.

The need for waste reduction and better waste management grows more urgent each year. But more challenging than finding a method for dealing with garbage is obtaining the financial resources to do so. Managing urban waste is one of the most expensive municipal services. Some regions in the United Kingdom are even encouraging residents to compost their garbage in order to save on waste-transportation costs. Meanwhile, developing countries spend 20-40% of municipal revenues on handling garbage. Many great minds have explored the possibility of waste conversion, and some well-known schemes have already been in use for a number of years. However, the limitations of the complex systems or the factory-size facilities necessary for such operations have rendered the current schemes too costly or inefficient. There is a pressing demand for a waste conversion system that enables us not only to benefit the environment but also to profit from it directly.

Enter the GeoDyn™ Machine. It is compact, scaleable, and continuously converts thousands of pounds of waste per hour into fertilizers and biofuel.

The device accepts virtually any form of organic refuse, unlike other recycling machines limited to using only particular food products or wood chips. The GeoDyn™ Machine includes multiple stages that efficiently reduce the size of the waste, compress it and squeeze out its liquid, further pulverize the dehydrated content, and form pellets that are dried and cooled. These pellets can then be used as a fertilizer supplement and as a biofuel. This same machine also treats the liquid initially extracted from the waste, resulting in a product that could either be used as liquid fertilizer or sold to companies manufacturing biogases.

In essence, nothing is wasted with the NTT Machine. It completes the waste-to-energy cycle. It transforms the dream of waste conversion and sustainable energy into a cleaner, greener realit

Food Waste Producing Environments

The GeoDyn™ Machine will deal with ALL food waste. In a matter of minutes, it will pulverize any food product, even hard-to-reduce materials like bones. And because the machine can be tailored in size, it can be installed at or near the site of food waste production.

Waste Processing Capacities

The GeoDyn™ Machine employs a very simple process for waste conversion. As a result, that same process could be scaled to process virtually any waste capacity. Find the machine that’s right for your industry and needs.

Creating a Sustainable Future with Geodyn Solutions

Our world is at a crucial juncture. As we continue to grapple with the implications of our actions on the environment, we must also confront the mounting problem of waste management. Every year, billions of tons of solid waste are produced, and a significant portion of it ends up in landfills. But what if we could take this waste, this seemingly useless byproduct of our modern lives, and transform it into something valuable?

Enter Geodyn Solutions. With a simple yet powerful goal in mind – to eliminate the need for landfills – Geodyn Solutions has developed a unique and innovative system that efficiently transforms all types of solid waste into marketable products. From organic waste to trash, Geodyn Solutions is creating a sustainable path for waste management that not only solves the problem of waste disposal but also brings about numerous environmental and economic benefits.

Turning Trash Into Treasure

At Geodyn Solutions, waste isn’t seen as a problem but as an opportunity. Using their Total Waste System and Organic Waste Processor, waste materials are processed into uniform sizes, allowing for the quick elimination of bacteria, viruses, and odors. The remaining solids are then processed into various products. Organic waste can be turned into animal feed, fertilizers, or clean-burning energy pellets. Trash, on the other hand, can be transformed into energy pellets that can produce electricity at a rate of 1 megawatt per ton or more.

These systems, which range in size from 1 to 42 tons per hour, can be deployed in both urban and rural areas. They occupy a surprisingly small footprint, making them suitable for crowded urban environments. Moreover, they can also be strategically placed in rural areas, creating a closed-loop system that generates electricity from local waste.

Sustainable Solutions for a Greener Future

By using Geodyn Solutions systems, we can eliminate the environmental issues associated with landfills while simultaneously generating numerous benefits:

  • Reclaiming 50 gallons of irrigation water per ton processed.
  • Generating clean, renewable electricity.
  • Producing animal feed and soil amendments/fertilizer to support growing agricultural needs.
  • Turning all waste material into useful and sustainable products.
  • Eliminating long-distance transportation costs and deterring illegal dumping.

These systems are designed for ease of use, with no specialized training required for efficient operation. They are also designed to run 12 to 20 hours per day, making them a cost-efficient alternative to comparably sized anaerobic digestion or incineration systems.

A Vision for Zero Waste

Imagine a world where waste doesn’t end up in landfills. A world where waste is processed efficiently and transformed into marketable products in less than 30 minutes. A world where waste management systems can fit into the smallest spaces and be scaled to accommodate local or regional needs. A world where harmful bacteria and viruses are eliminated from waste in minutes, and the processed material burns 300% more efficiently than waste-to-incineration systems, producing none of the harmful toxins associated with incineration. This is the world that Geodyn Solutions is striving to create.

Geodyn Solutions’ systems generate products of high quality and variety. Their pellets can generate 1 to 1.2 megawatts of electricity per ton, and the animal feed and soil products produced are 100% free of harmful bacteria, and safe to use right from the machines.

The Geodyn Philosophy

At the core of Geodyn Solutions lies the GeoDyn™ philosophy: to create from discarded and otherwise unusable items a new, environmentally efficient commodity that will improve the overall quality of life. Geodyn Solutions is not just about providing a solution to the waste problem; it’s about creating technological solutions that bring about global improvements in efficiency, innovation, and recycling. They are dedicated to identifying inefficiencies in our global industries and utilizing technology to eliminate them. In doing so, they are bringing what was once green in this world back to life, creating a greener and more sustainable future for us all.

In conclusion, Geodyn Solutions is more than just a waste management company. It is a visionary enterprise that seeks to transform our approach to waste and recycling. With their innovative systems, they are uniquely qualified to tackle any and all solid waste issues in the world.

Join Geodyn Solutions on this journey towards a sustainable future, where waste is not an issue, but an opportunity for transformation and growth. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where the only waste is a wasted opportunity.

Geodyn Solutions Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy


At Geodyn Solutions, our corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy aligns with our mission to transform waste into useful and sustainable products, powering a cleaner, greener world. We are committed to creating value for all our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, communities, and the environment. Our CSR strategy will focus on four key pillars: Environmental Stewardship, Community Engagement, Employee Welfare, and Sustainable Innovation.

1. Environmental Stewardship

Geodyn Solutions is already leading in environmental protection by turning waste into renewable energy and other useful products​1​. Our commitment to environmental stewardship will be further enhanced by:

  • Regularly measuring and reporting our carbon footprint, aiming to maintain a net-zero carbon emission status with our zero-emission technology​1​.
    Implementing a comprehensive waste management program in our facilities to ensure that our operations are in line with our “Zero Waste” philosophy​1​.
    Exploring new partnerships to expand our waste-to-energy solutions in more communities worldwide.

2. Community Engagement

We are committed to playing a proactive role in the communities where we operate. Our community engagement initiatives will include:

  • Educating the public about the importance of waste management and the potential of waste-to-energy technology. This could be through workshops, seminars, and partnerships with local schools and universities.
    Offering our waste-to-energy systems to underserved communities at a subsidized rate or as part of a community sponsorship program.

3. Employee Welfare

Our employees are our most valuable asset. We will strive to create a safe, inclusive, and rewarding work environment by:

  • Ensuring health and safety standards are met or exceeded in all our facilities.
    Providing comprehensive training for all employees, ensuring they can operate our systems efficiently and safely​1​.
    Implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
    Offering competitive benefits and opportunities for professional growth.

4. Sustainable Innovation

Innovation is at the heart of what we do at Geodyn Solutions. Our commitment to sustainable innovation will be demonstrated by:

  • Continually investing in research and development to improve our waste-to-energy technology and develop new sustainable solutions.
    Encouraging collaboration with universities, research institutions, and other companies to advance waste-to-energy technology and other green innovations.
    Actively seeking feedback from our customers and stakeholders to improve our products and services.

We believe that this CSR strategy will enable us to contribute positively to society and the environment while also creating long-term value for our stakeholders. We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our CSR strategy to ensure it remains relevant and effective in addressing the social and environmental challenges of our time.